How Do You Deal With Fear and Panic?

How Do You Deal With Fear and Panic?

How do you deal with Fear and Panic? If you are not quite sure, now is a good time to figure it out. We all thought that when the pandemic was over the fear and panic would end as well. Maybe you have noticed that, if anything, it has actually gotten worse! While you...
The Hope of the Resurrection

The Hope of the Resurrection

The Resurrection of Christ is the cornerstone of our faith. Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity, and rose from the dead on the third day, conquering death and providing the promise of eternal life to all who believe in Him. The Apostle Paul...
Lessons for our Kids in Troubled Times

Lessons for our Kids in Troubled Times

Clearly, the world has always been a place of chaos, confusion and uncertainty. A quick read of Genesis chapter 3 helps us to understand that it didn’t take man long to plunge the newly created and sinless world into the darkness that comes from rejecting the Word of...
Everything Has a Price Tag

Everything Has a Price Tag

This weeks post will be short and to the point. Definitely a “Perspective”  statement instead of the usual list of things to do or recommended course of action to take. Here is the statement: Everything has a price tag! I know that may seem too simple, but...
Run The Mile You Are In

Run The Mile You Are In

Why do so many people start out doing so well and then, seemingly for no reason, give up? Maybe I should ask the question this way: have you ever had a time in  your life where you started doing something that you felt was important but then, seemingly for no reason,...