The Power of Process

The Power of Process

There is a very simple principle that I come back to again and again. It is so simple, in fact, that it can be easy to overlook or dismiss as unimportant. If your goal is to live a life of peace and perseverance though, you must understand and embrace this principle....
Lessons Learned From An Ultra Marathon

Lessons Learned From An Ultra Marathon

Last week I had the opportunity to run (and finish) the Zion 100k Ultra marathon. For those who are interested in the full experience, I actually posted a video taken throughout the day here. While this was not my first ultra distance race, it was my longest and...
Having the “March or Die” Mindset

Having the “March or Die” Mindset

I spend quite a bit of time talking about the power of MARCHING forward (I like using all caps because clearly that gets the message across). I have written a book about it (you can find the book here), I have a weekly podcast about it (you can find the podcast here),...